
We Analyse What You Advertise

RAMADANATICS was created during Ramadan 2017 (Formally: Think Marketing Ramadan Hub) to be the world’s 1st platform focusing on providing digital media insights for Ramadan advertising campaigns.

Our mission is to communicate the digital media analytics and measure campaigns performance to fill the information gaps between audience and brands during Ramadan advertising season.

Because we think Ramadan acts as Super Bowl for adverts in the Middle East, we created Ramadanatics (Ramadan Hub) to be extremely well-structured platform to help marketeers better understand and measure campaigns results and to feature top performing campaigns.

by combining digital media analytics from different social media channels to help marketeers better understand and measure campaigns results.

Analyzing, interpreting, and structuring the final data for the Ramadanatics is proudly led by Think Marketing Lab team.

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